Suggested Numeracy Websites for Pupils with SEN + videos
ICT Basic Skills - for this we will look at some basic file management and editing challenges using Microsoft Word.
ICT Audio Visual Aids - we have three different videos on our AV Page showing you how to create a different AV Aid each time to cater for the needs of the pupil with SEN in your care:
1. Creating a CVC wordbank using SENteacher.org ( Literacy)
2. Creating and amending a wordlist in Microsoft Word (Literacy)
3. Providing a visual aid to assist with counting activities for 1c, 2c and 5c coins (Numeracy)
ICT Classroom Resource 1 - Seesaw- It is a huge boost for the pupil with SEN if they are enabled to be fully included in the mainstream class. If they are enabled to take full part by attempting work prepared for them using Seesaw, the online platform, like other pupils in the class. Seesaw enables pupils to view activities set by their teacher to be completed at school or at home. The pupil with SEN may have work specifically prepared for them on Seesaw or may be asked to complete a reduced number of questions. Either way, if THEY are using Seesaw, as their peers will be, then they feel fully included and their self-esteem receives a major boost. In this video, we have an overview of Seesaw, allowing you, working as an SNA, to be enabled to assist the pupil with SEN to respond to activities set.
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ICT Classroom Resource 2 - ICT Games - Some suggestions here for websites suitable to assist pupils with SEN with literacy and numeracy targets - special emphasis on the ICTGames website.

Videos on Uploading Assignment to Turnitin and Resizing Images
Uploading Assignment to Turnitin. Click on the picture to the left or the YouTube logo to the right to view the full video of how to upload an assignment to your ATU- St Angela's account using Turnitin. The video is quite short but includes all the steps required. Remember to pause the video (if needed) if attempting the trial run as the video is progressing.
Saving and Resizing an Image Using Microsoft Paint, which is available on every Windows computer. This video presumes you have taken a photo with a mobile phone or an iPad and firstly shows you the quickest way to get it on to your computer, to open it with Microsoft Paint and resize it from over 6 Mb to less than 0.5 Mb. You may need to know how to do this before uploading a picture of the Visual Aid you create for Assignment 3.