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Google Apps for Education - Homework Activities Support
Activity 1 - Google Docs 
activity docs 1.JPG
  • Create a table of 3 columns and 5 rows and drag the bottom line down the page

  • Format the text in the table by select all the cells (and nothing else) and changing to Size 30 for the text in the centre cells and Arial Size for the numbers. Centre, centre align i.e. ensure it's right in the middle. The emoji cells should be Size 60

  • You are now ready to add the text and the emojis. 

  • The emojis are to be found under Insert - Emoji Reaction - they act like ordinary letters. 

  • Colour the cells individually or click on cell with 1, hold down Control and then click on the happy emoji to add the green background colour to both at the same time

  • Do the same with the other cellls.

2023 - Activity 1 - Creating a Table in Google Docs - Quick Guide

google docs 2.jpg

2023 - Activity 1 - Creating a Table in Google Docs

This 14 minute video takes you through the first assignment - to add and edit a specific table in Google Docs. Also involves inserting and re-sizing emojis as part of the activity. Click on the image or YouTube logo to go directly to the unlisted video. 

Activity 2 - Google Slides 


The purpose of this video is to provide a guide to the second activity - Google Slides. This involves the creation of four slides featuring The Sun. If you would like to get a closer look at the finished product for each page just click on the image to enlarge it.  Link below.

Slides 1.JPG
Slides 1.JPG
Slides 3.JPG
Slides 2.JPG
Slides 4.JPG
Slides 1.JPG

Activity 2 - Creating a Project using  Google Slides

This 30 minute video takes you through the second  assignment - to create a simple project in Google Slides  This activity involves using Google Images and Britannica School Foundation Level (accessed through Scoilnet). Click on the image or YouTube logo to go directly to this unlisted video. 

Activity 3 - Google Forms 

Click on the YouTube logo to access the Google Forms Video

  • Click on the YouTube logo above to view the full video on how to create the Survey form you see here on the left. 

  • Step 1 - Create a new blank form by clicking on the waffle and selecting Forms

  • Step 2 - Add in the questions - one at a time as shown on the video

  • Step 3 - Preview the finished product by clicking on the "eye" logo on the top right. 

  • Format the form by clicking on the "paint palette" tool on the top right - select colours as shown. 

  • Choose the Header image from Just Kids section by clicking on the Header button. 

  • Select Lobster for the Header, Comfortaa for the Questions and Montserrat for the Text. 

  • Choose the main colour as aquamarine (the last choice) and Background as blue (third choice of four)

  • Preview the finished product again in order to see if it all now looks well - eye button. 

  • Click on Send button on the top right in order to send it to the people to be surveyed. In your case it's just to

Activity 4 - Google Classroom
classroom 2.JPG

2023 - Activity 4 - Adding a Class to Google Classroom

This 18 minute video takes you through creating a class in Google Classroom, inviting pupils to your class and creating your first assignment - in this case using to create a time pdf assignment and assigning that to your new class. 


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